Saturday, January 18, 2020

Review: Twisted Kingdom - Rina Kent

Twisted Kingdom Twisted Kingdom by Rina Kent
My rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ stars

This is it, the third book in the Royal Elite series by Rina Kent and boy was it good! If you have followed along in the previous two books, you’ll know that this series is steamy, sexy, mouth-watering amazingness! Twisted Kingdom was no different. After the cliff-hanger of the last book we were left in limbo with Elsa and Aiden with a huge revelation. Well, this book picks up from that and we are thrust back into the relationship between the two. Secrets come to light from everyone…and I literally mean everyone and we finally get the backstory between Elsa and Aiden and it is really heart-breaking and heart warming at the same time.

Aiden’s story is full of tragedy and strength and you can see why he has become the way he has. But, his love for Elsa is real if at times a little bit like an addiction and really possessive but it certainly works. In Twisted Kingdom we see the King finally get his Queen! Elsa is just an amazing character; she still has that little-girlness to her but by the end of the book she isn’t messing around and she definitely isn’t taking anyone’s crap!

This book is full of amazing flashback, sexy scenes, brilliant interaction between other characters and I can’t wait to read the next books in this series. That is how invested I am with these characters. The story between Aiden and Elsa wraps up really well in this book and I especially liked the little epilogues that were given at the end so that we see the characters as adults. But the author was cunning in that she opens up other story-lines for other characters…well played! If you like your bully series full of drama, amazing characters and really steamy scenes then you need to start this series today, but definitely from book 1!

ARC received for a fair, honest and sometimes long review 😊

View all my reviews

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