Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Review: Blood Flows Deep - N. Isabelle Blano

Blood Flows Deep Blood Flows Deep by N. Isabelle Blanco
My rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ stars

This was an interesting book for me. I have never read the author before and thought I would give it a go. Things that you should note about this book, is that there are a lot of characters and names which are quite hard to pronounce. The book main theme is centered around Gods and Goddesses, the prologues at the beginning give you the basic information on what the story-line is going to be about; killing, sacrifice, rebirth, lust and all of that good stuff in between. There is a lot of background information and history which can bog you down at times and take away from the ultimate story, but the sexy scenes between the two main characters Dyletri and Ismini make up for that as does the conversations they have with each other and secondary characters.

This was a good book and it will be interesting to see what happens in the next one.

ARC received for a fair and honest review.

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