Saturday, July 20, 2024

Review: Where We Ended - Ashley Munoz

Where We Ended Where We Ended by Ashley Munoz
My rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ stars

Where We Ended by Ashley Munoz is Book 4 in the Stone Riders MC and there is a lot going on in this story. Silas and Natty have a complicated past and an even more complicated future. Throw in a lot of drama, melancholy, violence and everything in between and you definitely have a page turner. The ends that Silas will go to have Natty is admirable if sometimes a little confusing, sometimes he does things for her own safety but doesn’t communicate that wither, leaving Natty in this limbo of feeling unwanted, especially by the man who owns her heart!

Natty is certainly the light to Silas’s darkness, but that’s not to say that she doesn’t have her own darkness to heal from to. The two of them complete each other really well and definitely deserved their happy endings. Saying that, the lack of communication between the two went on for so long so at times became quite frustrating, but after everything, love seems to prevail.

I would suggest reading previous books in this series, just to know who characters are, where they fit and to find out some of their story. Overall, though, a good read with some complex characters, some flashbacks, action, drama, love and passion.

View all my reviews

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