Friday, July 26, 2024

Review: Break Out - Karen Renee

Break Out Break Out by Karen Renee
My rating:⭐⭐⭐⭐ stars

Break Out is book one in the Riot MC New Generation by Karen Renee and focuses on the characters Simone and Steel. Simon is the daughter of Volt and Jackie, who has just graduated college and realised that her boyfriend is a douche after he strings her along and then dumps her in front of her supposed friends. Here she meets an older man that ticks all of her boxes and after a night of passion, they go their separate ways, its only fate that throws them together and from here they learn that although they have feelings for each other….other elements of their lives might get in the way.

I really liked Steel and Simone’s relationship. It wasn’t all roses and there were times that Steel could be quite arrogant with what he wanted but expected a lot of communication from Simone. And whilst Simone was young and having grown up in an MC, she sometimes found it difficult to not be in the ‘know’, but she definitely understood where Steel was coming from and sometimes was a little to understanding. The two characters work well together though overall, especially with the unrest of two MC’s and family/friends sticking their noses into their business!

Overall, I really did enjoy this read and can’t wait to read the next one in the series!

View all my reviews

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