Saturday, June 29, 2024

Review: Thirst Trap - Lani Lynn Vale

Thirst Trap Thirst Trap by Lani Lynn Vale
My rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ stars

Thirst Trap by Lani Lynn Vale is book 3 in the Carter Brothers series and focuses on the characters Quinn Carter and Solei Shayne Rodriguez. Two characters who were always meant to be together, but when life keeps throwing them curveballs and feelings are hurt, it becomes more of a toxic relationship, with no happily ever after in sight or at least that’s what you think. Quinn and Shayne are meant to be together.

I love that we follow the story from them being together to life getting in the way, to Quinn proving that he will do anything to be with Shayne, even when Shayne feels like she is broken. There were a lot of emotions in this book from both characters and you get where both of them are coming from and what they are feeling. I particularly like how honest Quinn’s family are with him and some of the decisions he has made. He definitely needed to fight for Shayne and what they had.

Overall, an emotional rollercoaster of a story with some great characters, a great storyline and a great addition to the series.

ARC received for a fair, honest and sometimes long review. All opinions are my own. 😊

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