Thursday, April 30, 2020

Review: See No Evil - Ivy Fox

See No Evil See No Evil by Ivy Fox
My rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ stars

See No Evil is one darkly, delicious story full of intrigue, wicked twist and turns and unforgettable characters. The book lets us know right from the beginning that something has happened and Finn Walker, Easton Price, Colt Turner and Lincoln Hamilton - golden boys, with influence and money are in the thick of it. They’ve done something and someone knows about it. The Society knows… and they aren’t going to let these boys get away with anything.

Finn is given a task by The Society, get Stone Bennet on his side, make her fall in love with him and then destroy her. We never know why that is to happen, but we do know that Finn thinks it is going to be easy, until he comes up against Stone and everything changes.

Stone is literally from the wrong side of the tracks. She is trying to make ends meet, look after her mother whilst going to school, working a soul sucking job and now all of a sudden, golden boy Finn Walker has set his sights on her. Stone knows nothing is what it seems when it comes to Finn, she sees his vulnerability, knows he is harbouring secrets and has this huge persona that he puts on for the rest of the world. She also knows something is going on and, in the end, it is going to affect her in a huge way!

This was a delicious story to read, not only are both Stone and Finn amazing characters, you also have this epic story that keeps you on your feet with huge twist and turns, scorching hot passion between the main characters and heart-wrenching scenes just thrown at you left and right. Throw in not only the drama of The Society but also the drama Finn has with his own family and Stone’s background story of who she is and why she is the way she is, then you just have this amazing read that you never want to end.

I love strong, feisty, female characters and Stone was just a great character to read about. She knows her own worth; she knows who she is and although at times she may come across as cold, you really understand as a reader why that is. I couldn’t envision another person for Finn who needed a bit of a shake-up. (I also wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of his momma!) Finn is also unapologetic. What started off as something he had to do because of The Society and what would happen to his brothers if he didn’t, soon becomes unravelled and you see him trying to make the best out of a really dire situation.

This book has left me wanting more. I want to know what The Society’s deal is, what the boys actually did and what’s going to happen next. You need to start this series today!

ARC received for a fair, honest and sometimes long review 😊

More of my reviews can be found on my blog:

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