Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Review: Rent Free - Lani Lynn Vale

Rent Free Rent Free by Lani Lynn Vale
My rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ stars

Rent Free is Pepper and Atlas’s story and boy is it a doozy! The story centres around Pepper’s sister and the psycho she is and how she influences those around her. (We get a lot of backstories from Pepper and her family which I really liked, and it definitely put what they went through into perspective.) Pepper moves to the same town as her sister to tell her some tragic news, but before she can even do that Atlas is in the way being quite cruel to Pepper and using her. He doesn’t believe her from the offset, even though others around him (including his family) are telling him that Pepper’s sister is a psycho!

I did enjoy Atlas finding out the truth about Pepper and what that meant and I liked how forgiven Pepper was, although sometimes she just seemed to accept what people thought because of her sister. Both Atlas and Pepper together just work, even though it takes a little while for them to get their ducks in a row! I do think I would have liked a little bit more drama with the sister but oh well!

As with previous books there are other characters that pop up that really adds to the family feel of this story and I enjoyed getting a glimpse into Pepper’s family too. Add in the steam, laughs, seriousness and good times and you’ve got a really good book! I can’t wait to see whose next in the series.

ARC received for a fair, honest and sometimes long review. All opinions are my own. 😊

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